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This is more Deadly than Corona

This happened a few days ago. A family came from Chennai to a small village without getting proper E-Pass and somehow managed not getting caught at the checkposts too. The health dept and village administration traced them somehow, stuck notice on their door and advised home quarantine for 14 days. They were asked to go to the hospital for getting tested, the very next day.

They did not even have the basic sense to wear a mask, that too when going to a hospital, that too when going to get tested for corona. The hospital staff shouted at them for their poor hollow skull and gave them each a face mask from their limited hospital supply.

The next day, when test reports came, three of this four member family were declared positive. The hospital contacted them through phone, informed them about the result and asked them to stay home, not to go anywhere, assured them not to get worried and officials are on their way. But they insisted not to send anyone to their home and they will come to the hospital themselves. And how do they plan to come? An auto..They dont bother about the risk of spreading the virus to the the poor auto driver and what matters to them is their bullshit 'Prestige'.

Their stupid request was denied and an ambulance was sent to their home. And the next drama began. They refused to get into the ambulance. They said "Give us the report and we will decide what treatment to do". And now, am convinced, their skull is not hollow, but filled with shit. And those sick morons did not give a shit about all these people trying to save millions of lives from a worst Pandemic of our lifetime. The ambulance driver and EMT dressed in full PPE, Doctor, Health Inspector, Tashildar, VAO, DSP, police team and a lot others looked like fools, pleading them to get into the ambulance for their own good. I miss Kim Jong Un here..!!

They then argued that, Who will take care of those in their home, if quarantined for 2 weeks and shamelessly asked the officials to buy grocery for a month if they hav to get into the ambulance.

The officials agreed even to that, sent someone to buy groceries and only after all this fiasco, they got into the ambulance. Such is the stupidity of some people. Whatever measures Govt takes, its is impossible to control the pandemic without co-operation from people.

So What is more deadly and dangerous than this virus?
  • IGNORANCE: Not knowing or not understanding how serious this issue is, how to safeguard ourselves and our loved ones from this virus is one important factor. This can be eliminated by spreading awareness, awareness, awareness. 
  • NEGLIGENCE: This is much more deadly than ignorance, as you are already aware of everything, but still you choose to be negligent. Believe me, this will cost a lot of lives than the corona virus on its own.
Please follow some basic guidelines:

Always wear a face mask. You will have the tendency to slide down your face mask when you talk to someone. Dont do that..!

Dont think that, you are invincible. Very healthy, young, asymptomatic individuals are developing acute respiratory distress and dying in a matter of hours.

Avoid going to crowded places. Crowd is never safe, be it anything even a hospital..!

Practise Social Distancing..Just like herd immunity, if everyone starts practising social distancing, those few who do not follow will also be protected..!

Please follow the guidelines and instructions given by the Govt and Health dept time to time..!
"Its your right to die, but dont MURDER others".
P.S: This blog was borne out of the frustration of an young Doctor who was facing a pandemic for the first and hopefully the only time.

Dr.Praful JK, MBBS


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