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I ve been working in the ED for the past one year and We(My Team) hav reverted atleast 10 patients who went into Cardiac arrest and stabilized more than 1000 critical patients..We did our Job..We get paid for it..!

We hav thousands of Medical Professionals working round the CLOCK in ED where we play Tug of War between Life and Death and We never want to loose the game..Trust me "NEVER"..We remain unnoticed,away from the limelight not wanting name nd fame...

Some random person finds a suitcase of cash along the road,displays a rare act of Honesty,returns it.(99.9percnt of us wont)He is hailed by every Media and becomes a Hero..!Hav We forgetten that Returning something which is not ours has become a great dead due to its Rarity and is nothing but basic humanity..?And since Doctors saving patients is not a Rarity but a Vast Majority,We dont care about them and dont give the recognition and praise they deserve..?

We dont demand praise nd recognition,Bt to the contrast do we deserve to get beaten up for the misfortunes that happen..?Have you ever been in a stressful situation dealing with Life And Death?We do it on a daily basis..!

Not "Everyone" is perfect..! No profession is Sacred..!The percentage between Good vs Bad matters, politicians fall in the bottom,whereas Doctors r in the very Top..!Even the most money minded,greedy doctor will not want his patient to get worse..NO ONE

When U hav a 9-5 job,We have 24hours shift..!

We smell the vomitus of a stranger who has consumed poison to check if it is OPC..

We check ur shit to know if u have malena..

We get spit by drunken patients..

We get splashed with blood while arresting a bleeder..

We get woken up at 3am in the morning for a headache since 3days nd since he has to go to work by 4,visit the doctor at 3..

And many of U prefer going to the casualty in the evening rather than opd in the morning to avoid queues nd fast consultation...

In addition to all this,getting attacked by an Angry Mob...

Is this all worth the struggle we face? Is it worth to be a doctor?We r not saints to treat u despite being treated as such..

That doctor is soo greedy..He has 3 clinics and is teaching in a medical college too..Its true that he wants to earn money..Bt who doesnt want to?He is earning his money by  making u healthy..A barber in a hifi saloon charging 200 for a haircut is fine..Bt a Doctor charging 100 as consultation fee to make u get better from ur illness is pure greed..So R U valuing ur health less than ur HAIR?

One of the major reasons for Violence against Medical Professionals is becoz of the potrayal of Doctors in such a way..

Few examples Arjun Reddy/Varma/Kabir Dhas: Alcoholic,Psychotic,Dope.

Mersal:Doctors should get rs.5

Vettayadu Vilayadu:Psychotics

Ennai Arindhal:Organ thieves

Media should think and act sensibly...What U convey sets the mood of a the common mass..We dont ask for Praise and Glory..We seek Peace and Safety..

And to dear Mamta Didi,who articulated the Golden Words "Police Man die in their duty,Do they Go on a Strike"

I honestly didnt know Being a doctor comes with the job description of "Chance of Being Killed by a angry mob"

If so I guess the same descriptions applies for politicans too,And I wonder Why Indian Cities burned when political leaders were assasinated

Of the many professions Am proud that "I get PAID for saving LIVES..!"

-Dr. Praful JK


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